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Evince Understanding of Your Customers’ Problems

In the digital world, if you really want to grab your customer’s attention through a business message – whether it’s through an animated explainer video, a Facebook post, a tv commercial or maybe an ad that appears right before you watch a video on YouTube – you have to prove them that you understand them. Viewers seek importance. They want to ensure the products they select will be the best choices and will actually help them in succeeding and solve their problems.


First of all, you need to have a clear understanding of how your products or service helps people. What problems can you solve for your customers? Once you nail this question, you’ll have a positive access point for communication with your customers and they’ll see how much you care for them.
Let’s say for example, you sell high-tech winter gloves that are so light and thin that they can fit in a pocket when not in use. Gloves are meant to keep anyone’s hands warm and so do yours but they do more than that. They allow people involved in outdoor activities keep their hands warm while they are out in the cold.
So here you’re not just selling gloves you’re selling warmth and convenience for those who spend time outside in cold temperatures. In addition to protecting your customers from frostbite, they’re lightweight so they don’t need to carry around bulky, unwieldly gloves everywhere they go.
Give some thought about your product or service in terms of ways that you can be of assistance to your customers in improving their lives. Then think outside of your products/services and think about your customers and who they are.


Instead of creating a generic advertisement that showcases all features of your product, what you can show your customers is how it will work for them. Let’s bring in the picture the example of high-performance gloves, you can use an animated explainer video or blog post to show how your gloves generate instant insulation to skin, so that the hands stay dry, warm and comfortable in any temperature.
Remember to design all the content of your explainer video in such a way that it highlights the solutions you’re offering for problems that your customers regularly face.


In order to become more effective and to really show your customers that you know them and care about them, you can go a step further. You can start a series of vlogs or blogs with meaty insights and tips for solving problems related to their interests. The more you show that you understand their problems and that you’re not just “selling”, products, the more you’ll capture or retain their attention or even “undivided”, if it’s your lucky day!


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